Students are required to write correct answers with appropriate layout and format to secure good marks. Answers with attractive handwriting, design and layout will be extra advantage for the candidates. It has been found out that the students, despite writing the correct answers, have not got marks as much as they deserve. There are various factors affecting the marking like: layout design, organization of the answers, handwriting etc. This section simply give some tips for the students so that they will get better marks in the SLC examination. These tips are equally important to the teachers as well. The teachers need to instruct their students accordingly.
Some of the mistakes that the students make regarding layout and design of the answers in the SLC examination, found during re-totaling procedure and other research activities, are listed below:
1. Writing answers inside the cover page. The cover page is torn during coding and thus the answers on that page are left unmarked.
2. Misinterpreting the ‘Rewrite’ instruction. Some candidates write the questions first as they are in the test paper and then they repeat the same sentence while answering.
e.g. I saw ……….. ewe yesterday. (a/an/the)
Ans: I saw a ewe yesterday.
Answers written in such way could be overlooked; consequently the candidates may lose the marks.
3. Writing the answers of different questions with not enough space in between them.
4. Writing news stories, stories and essays without heading/ title.
5. Writing/copying unnecessary lines particularly in short answer questions of reading comprehension questions.
6. Rewriting the text of question number nine i.e. grammar type 2 with the correct alternative but left not underlined. Answers to this type should be distinctly seen.
7. Some students are found to have done the matching exercise by drawing lines and not writing the words with their meanings in the same line.
Better ways to write the answers accurately and with good layout according to the types of questions are exemplified below. Students will benefit if they follow these and teachers are required to deliver these to their students.