1) What is internet?
Ans: Internet is an interconnection of several
thousands of computers of different types
belonging to the various networks all over
the world.
thousands of computers of different types
belonging to the various networks all over
the world.
2) Who controls the Internet?
Ans: Different organization like ISOC(Internet Society), W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), IAB(Internet
Architecture Board), IEFT (Internet Engineering Task Force), IRTF (Internet Research Task Force), IESG
(Internet Engineering Steering Group) and INIC (Internet Network information Centre) gives directive
and guideline for the proper use of internet.
3) List the components required for internet connection.
Ans: The components for internet connect are:
i) A TCP/IP enabled computer with web browser
ii) An account with an ISP
iii) MODEM
iv) Connection (ISDN, Satellite, cable and dial-up)
4) List the services provided by internet.
Ans: The services provided by internet are:
i) WWW (World Wide Web)
ii) E-mail (Electronic mail)
iii) FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
iv) IRC (internet Relay Chat)
v) News Group
vi) Telnet
vii) Internet Telephony
viii) E-commerce
5) What is E-mail?
Ans: E-mail (Electronic mail) is one of the most popular services provided by the internet which
exchanges messages between the computers.
exchanges messages between the computers.
It is the method of transferring/transmitting data, text, file, digital photo or audio or video file
from one computer to another computer over the internet.
from one computer to another computer over the internet.
6) Write down the advantages of E-mail.
Ans: The advantages of email are:
i) It allows to send and receive message across the world at very low cost.
ii) It is very fast compared to postal system.
iii) The image, sound, video and documents can be attached to e-mail message.
iv) Multiple copies of same message can be sent to many people.
7) Write down the disadvantages of e-mail.
Ans: The disadvantages of e-mail are:
i) Minor mistakes in e-mail address may deliver the mail to wrong address.
ii) Since it passes through a vast electronic network, it may be seized in between.
8) What is newsgroup?
Ans: A newsgroup is a discussion group that discuss on particular topic such as politics, health,
computer, etc.
computer, etc.
9) What is telnet?
Ans: A telnet is a program that allows a user to log in to a remote computer on internet as a user
on that system.
on that system.
10) What is FTP?
Ans: It is the internet tool that allows the user to transfer the file from one computer to another.
11) What is IRC?
Ans: Internet Relay Chat is one of the important services provided by the internet which allows the user to
communicate with other people in real time.
12) What is internet telephony?
Ans: It is one of the cheapest and reliable services provided by the internet that allows the user to make
telephone communication or voice communication through internet.
13) What is FAQ?
Ans: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is an online document that possesses series of common
questions and answers on a specific topic.
14) What is E-commerce?
Ans: It is the buying and selling of goods over the internet.
15) What is video conferencing?
Ans: It is the transmission of image/video and audio/speech back and forth between two or more
geographically dispersed person.
geographically dispersed person.
16) What do you mean by online banking?
Ans: Online banking is the practise of making transaction using the internet.
17) What is webpage?
Ans: Webpage is an electronic document written using a computer language called HTML.
18) What is website?
Ans: It is a collection of webpages that can be published by an organization or individual.
19) What is uploading?
Ans: Uploading refers to copying files or documents, programs or data from the user computer to
the internet server.
the internet server.
20) What is downloading?
Ans: Downloading refers to the copying files or document or program or data from the internet server to the
user computer.
21) What is web browser?
Ans: Web browser is a computer program that access web pages and displays them on the user computer.
22) What is URL?
Ans: It is a unique address that provides location of a webpage on the internet.
23) What is browsing/ surfing?
Ans: Browsing/ Surfing means searching information on the internet.
24) What is search engine?
Ans: Search engine is the website that allows the user to search the information based on keywords on
combination of keywords. They are used to locate specific sites and information.
25) What is URL?
Ans: Each web page has a unique address that provides location on the internet is known as URL
(Uniform Resource Locator).
26) Write down the name of any four web browsers.
Ans: Any four web browser are:
i) Google chrome ii) Mozilla Firefox iii) Opera iv) Internet explorer
27) Write down the name of any four search engine.
Ans The name of any four search engines are:
i) Google ii) Bing iii) MSN iv) Yahoo
28) List down the types of modulation.
Ans: The types of modulation are
i) Amplitude Modulation (AM)
ii) Frequency Modulation (FM)
iii) Phase Modulation (PM)
29) Write down the names of four ISPs of Nepal.
Ans: The names of four ISPs of Nepal are:
i) World Link
ii) Broad Link
iii) Mercantile
iv) Otel
30) What is ISP?
Ans: It is a company that provides Internet and E-mail service.
31) What is ISDN?
Ans: It is a high speed digital communication network involving from existing telephony integrated digital
network (IDN) which provides end to end digital connectivity to support a wide range of services including
voice and non-voice service.
32) Write down the names of any four search engine.
Ans: Names of any four search engine are:
33) Write down the names of any four sites which provides e-mail services.
Ans: Names of any four sites that provides e-mail services are:
34) Write down the names of any four web browser.
Ans: The names of any four web browsers are:
· Google chrome
· Opera
· Mozilla Firefox
· Internet Explorer