The "Nepali calendar" is an official Bikram sambat calendar of Nepal. It is approximately 56 years and 8½ months ahead of the Gregorian calendar (A.D). Unlike Gregorian months, the lengths of nepali calendar months are not predetermined, and change from year to year, varies from 29 days to 32 days. So, this Nepali calendar gives you the exact date with cultural events and festivals of Nepal from 1970 to 2071 B.S for both Gregorian and Nepali calendar together. Nepali calendar is a Bikram Sambat calendar and it is also called "Nepali Patro". Bikram Sambat, originally started by King Vikramaditya in Ujjain (the then independent country in South Asia). Though it is recognized by the Hindu community in Nepal, India and World, it is the official calendar of Nepal and hence worldwide called as the Nepali Calendar. The year of the Bikram Sambat starts from Baisakh, and ends in Chaitra. The nepalese new year falls in the middle of April. It is a multicultural calendar and lists all the hindu festivals (the main being Dashain, Dipawali/Tihar and Teej).
Display nepali calendar on you website. Place the calendar code once wherever you want the nepali calendar to appear on your website. Width and height are changable. Adjust required width and height below and click get code to generate calendar code.
Step 1:Copy This Code To your website.
Step 2(Optional): If you want to change the size of calendar widget. It is simple. Change According to your size.
If you want to make this calendar widget responsive tick responsive checkbox. Responsive widget code will auto adjust width on your website.
For full calendar widget with event festivals and upcoming events go to Nepali calendar widget.
Note: Don't remove copyright link to nepali calendar.
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Features of nepali calendar and widgets
Responsive, Light weight, Dual nepali and english calendar,Public holiday marked with red font, Hover mouse on any day to see events, Next and Previous month for current year, Current date highlight, Calendar changes as per nepali time (GMT+5:45)
Full calendar features
Calendar from 1970 B.S to 2071 B.S. Events like tithis for 1970-2065 B.S. Festivals and tithis for 2065 to 2071 B.S. Gregorian calendar (1913 - 2015 A.D) and Bikram sambat nepali calendar (1970 - 2071 B.S.) together.
Some Popular Festivals of Nepal
Dashain, Tihar / Bhai tika, Loshar, Teej, Ramzan Id/Eid-ul-Fitar, Buddha jayanti, Ghatasthapana, Nepali new year / Nayabarsha, Nepal Sambat, Holi, Phulpati, Laxmi puja, Bishwakarma puja, Gai Jatra, Guru purnima, Maha Shivaratri, Chaite dashain.