Thursday, July 30, 2015


Posted By: Milan Dhungana | 9:01 AM |

               1. Write a program to create a sequential data file “RESULT.DAT” to store name, address and marks      obtained in 3 different subjects of students. [PABSON SEND UP 2066]
                2. Write a program to search and display only those record whose percentage is more than 60% from the data “RESULT.DAT” which contain Student’s Symbol number, Date of birth, Total Marks, Percentage and Division. [PABSON SEND UP 2067]
                 3. A data file name “STUDENT.DAT”, contains number of records having fields name, post and salary. Write  program to count total number of “Manager” in the data file. (hint: Manager is a post) [SLC SEND UP 2067]
              4. WAP to create sequential file “Person.DAT” containing information like Name, age, DOB and sex. Add records in this data file as per the users choice. [PABSON SLC 2064]
           5. Write a program to store SIDNO, name, address and Telephone number of five students and display the records on monitor in sequential data file “STDINFO”. [MAAF SLC SEND UP 2068]
            6. Write a program to create a data file “SLC.dat” to store Name,Class,and marks in three subjects of 15 students.      [PABSON SLC SEND UP 2068]
          7. Write a program to create a data file”result.dat” to store name, Address, and obt. Marks in three different subjects of students. [SLC SEND UP 2069]
            8. Write a program to open a data file “STUDENT.DAT”that contains Name, Address, Telephone number and Parent’s Name of some students. Now display all those records whose address is “LALITPUR”. [JM SECOND TERM 2068]
             9.  A data file”STUDENT.DAT” has several records in it.Write a program to read existing record from the file and display the total number or records.
      10.Create a sequential data file’Price.dat’to store item  name ,quantity and Rate also calculate    total  amount(total=Quantity X Rate).Program should terminate according to the user’s choice.
          11. Create a sequential data file’post.dat’ to store name and marks of any three subjects also calculate total and percentages only for 15 students.          
          12.A sequential data file’post.dat’ has few records related to name,address,salary and DOB            (mm/dd/yyyy).WAP to:
              a)Display all the records as well as count and display he total number of records also.
              b) Display the records whose address begins with ‘S’ or ‘D’




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